Applied Research & Evaluation Projects

NEVBD supports a variety of innovative projects that directly evaluate new and existing strategies for vector-borne disease monitoring, prediction, and control.

Learn more about our supported projects as a Teaching and Evaluation Center, as well as completed efforts from our prior funding periods.

Current Projects

As of July 2023, our efforts as a Teaching & Evaluation Center are focused on assessing the effectiveness of currently available tools, programs, and resources to combat the spread and impact of vector-borne diseases in the Northeast region. Our efforts fall within the following areas:

  • Evaluation of host-targeted tick control approaches
  • Pesticide resistance monitoring in mosquitoes
  • Optimization of communication strategies and resources
  • Improving tools and strategies for responding to community needs
  • Improving educational opportunities for vector-borne disease professionals

Stay tuned for more information on these projects!

Completed Projects

From 2017 – 2022, NEVBD collaborators conducting applied research to develop and evaluate new strategies for vector-borne disease monitoring, prediction, and control. Our applied research agenda during this time focused on the following areas:

  • Changing climate and disease risk
  • Monitoring trends and predicting spread through surveillance and modeling
  • Vector competence and genetic diversity for pathogens and vectors
  • Vector biology, behavior, and ecology
  • Improving tools for surveillance and control of tick and mosquito vectors

You can learn more about the research teams and projects supported during from 2017 – 2022 by visiting our Completed Projects page.