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We monitor and address vector-borne disease issues in Northeast communities.

The Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases network of researchers, public health experts, and vector-borne disease professionals collaborate on evaluation & research projects, professional training programs, and the sharing and creation of resources on mosquitoes, ticks, and the diseases they carry in our region.
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Training Offerings
We offer diverse training opportunities to support professional development in the current vector-borne disease workforce and prepare the next generation of public health entomologists.
Training Insect Images

MS in Entomology

Graduate-level training in vector biology and public health.

Vector Biology Boot Camp

Hands-on professional training in vector surveillance and control.


Internship opportunities for undergraduates across the Northeast.
Community Resources

Northeast Mosquito & Ticks Resources

NEVBD represents the Northeast region of the US. We invite our professional public health and vector control partners to learn more about our regional network programming and community of practice by visiting the Resources page. Visit the pages below to access public health information on mosquitoes and ticks in our area.

News and updates