New York State Tick Blitz

New York State Tick Blitz results are now available!

You can view the 2021 to 2023 data to see where ticks were collected across the state over the past three years.

New York State Tick Blitz Results

What is the Tick Blitz?


We are conducting a Tick Blitz in the western and northern regions of New York State to understand where different tick species are present in the state and track their expansion.

How Does it Work?

  • Individuals who register to participate will attend online and/or in-person trainings to learn how to properly and safely collect ticks in their community
  • Volunteers will receive a kit in the mail or pick one up at their local Cornell Cooperative Extension office. The kits will have everything they need to collect and return tick samples and protect from tick bites.
  • Volunteers will collect ticks at a dedicated location of their choosing at least once between June 16 and June 29, 2024
  • Collected ticks will be mailed back to Cornell University where they will be identified by our team of entomologists. Results will be made available online and shared with event volunteers.

Tick Blitz Informational Video

When and Where?

Tick collections will happen between June 16 and June 29, 2024.

Targeted counties include:

  • Western: Allegany - Cattaraugus - Chautauqua - Erie - Niagara - Ontario - Orleans - Wayne
  • Northern: St. Lawrence

How Do I Sign Up?

Thank you for your interest. Registration is now closed.

If you have questions you can also contact us at for more details.

Information and Training

Webinar Recording

You can access the recording from the 2024 training webinar through the link below.

June 6, 2024 Training Recording

Guides and Materials for Participants

Quick Reference Guide

The quick reference guide is a PDF document where you can find key information for the Tick Blitz Week. The guide includes slides from the training webinar with a few updates, and more detailed instructions on storing and mailing the ticks!

Quick Reference Guide

You can also access the recordings from this year’s training webinars through the links below.

June 6 Training Recording

Additional Resources

Data Collection Sheet - Use this form to record your sampling data while collecting ticks

Tick Blitz FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions you may hear from passers-by when you sample for ticks

Tick Sampling Guide - Guide for collecting ticks from the field

To Do At Home - List of things to do once you are home after a day of sampling for ticks

Tick Storage - Instructions on how to store the ticks

Mailing Ticks - A guide for how you will mail the ticks back to Cornell

Tick Blitz Kit Return - Instructions on what items in the collection kit you will keep and which you will return to Cornell

Land Owner Permission Form - Please complete this form if you are sampling on private property

Collection Results

Results from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 New York State Tick Blitz events are now available! Follow the link below to see where we collected ticks across the past two years.

New York State Tick Blitz Results